
Is it Shyness or Social Anxiety? How to Tell the Difference

Think about the times that take you most out of your comfort zone: a job interview, a blind date or even a party. Is it just shyness making you uncomfortable or something more? If you have social anxiety disorder you aren’t just extremely shy. Shyness is a personality trait and a normal part of life … Read more

Dealing with Social Anxiety: How to Survive the Holidays

Holiday party invitations are starting to fill your inbox and Christmas cheer is everywhere, but you feel anything but merry. This is what it’s like when you suffer from social anxiety, and the holidays can be one of the worst times. Family gatherings mean small talk, parties are filled with strangers, and everywhere you turn … Read more

Does Medication Help with Depression?

When you’re struggling with depression, the idea that a pill could help you get your life back is a very appealing one. But there are a lot of questions you probably have about this. First and foremost, does medication help with depression? What do antidepressants do? Do I need antidepressants? When will antidepressants start working? … Read more

More Than Mental Illness: Drug Addiction and Mental Illness

People with mental health disorders are more likely than those without them to experience an alcohol or substance use disorder. Living with drug addiction and mental illness makes it hard to live a full life. Co-occurring disorders like drug addiction and depression, make it difficult to hold down a job, develop and maintain personal relationships, … Read more

What Causes Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, activity levels, and energy, hindering your ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. Although doctors don’t completely understand the causes of bipolar disorder, they’ve gained a greater understanding in recent years. While some doctors believe there’s a genetic link to bipolar disorder, there’s also … Read more

How to Get Over Depression

Depression isn’t imaginary or “all in your head.” It’s a serious illness that’s more than just feeling a little down from time to time. It can impact your daily life and your relationships with others. Learning how to get over depression and live a healthy life requires action, but taking action when you’re depressed can … Read more

Categories OCD

What is It Like to be OCD?

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by excessive thoughts (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviors (compulsions). You might hear the term used casually by friends or co-workers to describe temporary, largely harmless fixations on completing tasks a certain way or adhering to strict daily routines. However, while it’s true that we all … Read more

Categories OCD

Symptoms of ADD and ADHD in Adults

“You’re so ADD.” It’s a seemingly harmless phrase often used to describe a person who can’t sit still or who can’t focus on one idea for more than a few minutes at a time. The problem? It’s not so harmless. While both of these symptoms are hallmarks of adult ADD and ADHD, only a doctor … Read more

Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: What to Look For

Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can manifest in several ways. And, not everyone who has PTSD will present the exact same set of symptoms. According to the National Center for PTSD, symptoms typically include the following: Reliving your traumatic event Avoiding situations that remind you of your traumatic event Negative changes in the … Read more

What is Bipolar Disorder? A Planetary Analogy

Imagine the planet Earth. On top you’ve got the north pole; on the bottom you’ve got the south pole. The equator is located in the middle. Now let’s pretend the north pole represents an extreme emotion like euphoria while the south pole represents depression and hopelessness. The equator? That’s a neutral zone between the two … Read more